R vs. Python

Both R and Python are open-source programming languages that are frequently used for statistical analysis and data visualization. They also enjoy the highest popularity among language models when it comes to deep learning. Which one is better and what are the key differences between R and Python?

Our Head of Data Science Dr. Patrick Vetter gave his opinion on the comparison between R vs. Python for data science:

“We don’t care about the programming language used – in the end, it’s the data scientist that matters”.

Curious how we used R or Python for data science projects? Get a general idea with these two use cases:

–> Graph Database Verification and Optimization

–> Detection of Bark Beetle Infestation with ArcGIS Pro

Unsure, whether you should use R vs Python for Machine and Deep Learning? Still uncertain whether R vs Python is better for data analysis? Get in contact with us and let us help you work with big data:


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