Your Data Science and AI
solution provider
Supper & Supper advises you on the potential of AI solutions for your business case and creates competitive advantages through customised data science and machine learning applications.
Data Consulting:
Your Data Vision
for more success
Data Consulting:
Your Data Vision for more success
Data science for a better future – the exploration of complex biological systems.
Data Lab:
From concept
to prototype
Data Lab:
From concept to prototype
To streamline existing business processes, we develop customized and robust prototypes for big data and machine learning applications.
Data Operations:
From prototype
to AI product
Data Operations:
From prototype to AI product
Our prototypes are integrated into the operational business and generate competitive advantages and long-term business success as sophisticated AI products.
Data Infrastructure:
Powerful and
scalable apllications
Data Infrastructure:
Powerful and scalable applications
Data generation and processing are adapted to the respective requirements and made dynamically usable. Professional deployment by Supper & Supper always includes the extensive scalability of AI applications.
Areas of use
Computational Lifescience
Data science for a better future – the exploration of complex biological systems
Mechanical Engineering
Data analytics and machine learning for efficient production and smart vehicles